This program tries to focus on the positive. We’ll start with some congratulations and then move on to an update from the Must Farm dig in the U.K., the display of ancient papyruses in Cairo, new shipwrecks in Greece, Passage tombs and Astronomy in Europe, talk about an interesting study on harmonics,
First Woman and African American Librarian of Congress and Obama Published in JAMA!
Senate Confirms Carla Hayden as 14th Librarian of Congress
United States Health Care Reform
Must Farm Bronze Age Dig Update!
A time capsule from Bronze Age Britain
Bronze Age inferno preserved an extraordinary view of life in the United Kingdom 3000 years ago
UK’s best bronze age site dig ends but analysis will continue for years
Oldest Egyptian Papyruses on Display in Cairo!
Egypt Unveils Oldest Papyrus, Details on Pyramid-Builders
Egypt unveils oldest papyrus, details on pyramid-builders (with pictures)
Oldest Egyptian papyrus writing displayed for first time
New Shipwrecks Discovered in Greece!
A Shipwreck Graveyard Has Been Found Off This Greek Archipelago (Original)
How Archaeologists Discovered 23 Shipwrecks in 22 Days
New Discoveries Double the Size of Ancient Greek Shipwreck Graveyard (New Finds)
Passage Tombs as “Telescopes”?
This 6,000-year-old tomb might have been the world’s first astronomy telescope
Did Prehistoric People Watch the Stars Through This 6,000 Year Old ‘Telescope’?
A 6,000 year old telescope without a lens – prehistoric tombs enhanced astronomical viewing (Summary)
Musical Preference may be Cultural not Innate!
Human perception: Amazon music
Indifference to dissonance in native Amazonians reveals cultural variation in music perception (Study)
Your culture—not your biology—shapes your musical taste
Cephalopods and Color Vision!
Friday Cephalopod: They can see color?
Spectral discrimination in color blind animals via chromatic aberration and pupil shape (Study)